Apple Business Manager: A Step-by-Step Guide

9 Min Read

In today’s digital landscape, Apple Business Manager (ABM) has emerged as an essential tool for organizations of all sizes, allowing for seamless device management, app distribution, and user account creation. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or new to the realm of enterprise device management, mastering Apple Business Manager can streamline operations, enhance security, and improve the overall efficiency of your business. This comprehensive guide will walk you through every aspect of ABM, from initial setup to advanced configurations, ensuring that your organization is fully equipped to harness the power of this powerful platform.

Introduction to Apple Business Manager

Apple Business Manager is a web-based portal that provides IT administrators with a streamlined way to manage Apple devices, apps, and accounts in an enterprise environment. By consolidating various management tasks into a single platform, ABM offers businesses greater control and visibility over their Apple ecosystem. The tool is particularly beneficial for organizations that need to deploy and manage large numbers of iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple TVs.

Key Features of Apple Business Manager

  1. Device Enrollment: Apple Business Manager simplifies the process of enrolling devices into your organization’s management system. Through Automated Device Enrollment (ADE), devices are automatically enrolled in your Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution as soon as they are activated.
  2. App and Book Distribution: ABM allows you to purchase, distribute, and manage apps and books for your organization. Whether you need to deploy apps to individual employees or across entire departments, ABM offers a scalable solution.
  3. User Account Management: With ABM, you can create Managed Apple IDs for employees, which are essential for accessing Apple services and managing devices. These accounts are separate from personal Apple IDs, ensuring that corporate data remains secure.
  4. Content Management: ABM integrates seamlessly with Apple School Manager, allowing for the distribution of educational content, apps, and resources across institutions.

Getting Started with Apple Business Manager

1. Setting Up Apple Business Manager

To begin using Apple Business Manager, your organization needs to enroll in the program. This process is straightforward but requires certain prerequisites.


  • A valid D-U-N-S Number: This is a unique identifier for businesses required for registration.
  • An Apple ID associated with your organization: This Apple ID should not be associated with any personal Apple accounts.

Steps to Enroll:

  1. Visit the Apple Business Manager website and click on the “Enroll now” button.
  2. Fill out the necessary information, including your organization’s D-U-N-S number, legal business name, and address.
  3. Verify your email address and agree to the terms and conditions.
  4. Complete the setup by following the prompts provided by Apple.

Once enrolled, your organization will have access to the ABM portal, where you can begin configuring settings and enrolling devices.

2. Configuring Apple Business Manager

After enrollment, the next step is to configure ABM to meet your organization’s needs. This involves setting up locations, managing roles, and integrating with your Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution.

Setting Up Locations:

  • Locations in ABM represent different departments or branches within your organization. You can create multiple locations to better organize your device and app distribution.

Managing Roles:

  • ABM allows you to assign different roles to users, such as Administrator, Device Manager, or Content Manager. Each role has specific permissions, ensuring that users only have access to the features they need.

Integrating with MDM:

  • MDM integration is crucial for managing devices enrolled through ABM. After setting up ABM, you’ll need to link it to your MDM solution. This allows you to deploy configurations, manage apps, and enforce security policies across all enrolled devices.

Advanced Features of Apple Business Manager

1. Automated Device Enrollment (ADE)

Automated Device Enrollment is one of the most powerful features of Apple Business Manager. ADE ensures that devices are automatically enrolled in your MDM solution as soon as they are turned on and connected to the internet. This eliminates the need for manual setup, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

How to Set Up ADE:

  1. Log into ABM and navigate to the “Devices” section.
  2. Select the devices you want to enroll.
  3. Assign these devices to your MDM server.
  4. Configure the default MDM profile that will be applied to new devices.

With ADE, you can ensure that all devices are properly configured and managed from the moment they are activated.

2. Managed Apple IDs

Managed Apple IDs are a crucial component of Apple Business Manager. These are special Apple IDs created and managed by your organization, allowing employees to access Apple services while keeping corporate data secure.

Creating Managed Apple IDs:

  1. Navigate to the “Accounts” section in ABM.
  2. Choose “Create Apple ID” and enter the necessary information for the employee.
  3. Assign roles and permissions to the Managed Apple ID based on the employee’s responsibilities.

Managed Apple IDs are separate from personal Apple IDs, ensuring that employees’ personal data is not mingled with corporate information. This is particularly important for organizations with strict data security requirements.

3. App and Book Management

Apple Business Manager simplifies the process of purchasing and distributing apps and books to employees. Whether you need to deploy productivity tools, industry-specific apps, or educational resources, ABM offers a centralized platform for managing these assets.

Purchasing Apps and Books:

  1. Access the “Apps and Books” section in ABM.
  2. Browse the App Store or search for specific apps.
  3. Purchase apps in bulk and assign them to specific locations or users.

Distributing Apps:

  • Once purchased, apps can be distributed to devices or users through your MDM solution. ABM allows you to reassign apps as needed, ensuring that your organization can efficiently manage its app licenses.

4. Reporting and Analytics

Apple Business Manager provides robust reporting and analytics tools, allowing you to monitor device compliance, app usage, and more. These insights are invaluable for making informed decisions about your organization’s Apple ecosystem.

Generating Reports:

  1. Navigate to the “Reports” section in ABM.
  2. Select the type of report you want to generate, such as device inventory, app usage, or account activity.
  3. Customize the report parameters and export the data for analysis.

These reports can be used to identify trends, optimize device management strategies, and ensure compliance with organizational policies.

Best Practices for Using Apple Business Manager

To maximize the benefits of Apple Business Manager, it’s important to follow best practices that align with your organization’s goals.

1. Regularly Review and Update Settings

As your organization evolves, so too should your Apple Business Manager settings. Regularly review and update locations, roles, and MDM profiles to ensure they align with your current needs.

2. Implement Strong Security Measures

Security is paramount in any enterprise environment. Ensure that all devices are enrolled in MDM, enforce strong password policies, and use Managed Apple IDs to protect corporate data.

3. Leverage Automated Device Enrollment

Automated Device Enrollment not only saves time but also ensures that devices are consistently managed according to your organization’s policies. Make ADE a standard part of your device deployment process.

4. Monitor Usage and Compliance

Use the reporting tools in Apple Business Manager to monitor device usage and compliance. Regularly review reports to identify potential issues and take corrective action as needed.


Apple Business Manager is a powerful tool that can transform the way your organization manages its Apple devices, apps, and user accounts. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a streamlined, secure, and efficient Apple ecosystem within your organization.

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